Mammalian fetal lung development is a complex biological process.Despite considerable progress, a comprehensive understanding of the dynamic regulatory networks that govern postnatal alveolar lung development is still lacking. The purpose of this study as part of the LungMAP consortium ( is to understand the transcriptional changes in the process of mammalian lung development. Overall design: Method: We isolated alveolar septa from c57BL/6 mice by laser capture microdissection from 14 time points (E16.5, P0.5, P1, P1.5, P2.5, P4, P5, P7, P10, P13.5, P15, P19, P23, and P28) and performed RNA-Sequencing by Illumina Hi-Seq 2500 .
LungMAP: The Molecular Atlas of Lung Development Program.
Sex, Specimen part, Cell line, Subject
View SamplesPaired-end sequencing of Vector and H-Ras expressing cell lines: p53-del and WT-p53 We found that activated forms of H-Ras and PIK3CA oncogene lead to repression of p63, a p53 family member. They also lead to induction of EMT, a cancer-related process. Our results suggest that, through Ras regulation of p63, this oncogene can drive mammary epithelial cells towards greater invasive ability. Overall design: 4 samples analyzed with 3 replicates each, control samples for each H-Ras line are the Vector cell line created at the same time
Repression of p63 and induction of EMT by mutant Ras in mammary epithelial cells.
Cell line, Subject
View SamplesRice (Oryza sativa, ssp. Japonica, cv. Nipponbare 1) plants were grown in a Conviron PGR 15 growth chamber using precise control of temperature, light, and humidity.<br></br>Diurnal (driven) conditions included 12L:12D light cycles and 31C/20C thermocycles in three different combinations. These were: photocycles (LDHH), 12 hrs. light (L)/12 hrs. dark (D) at a constant temperature (31C; HH); photo/thermocycles (LDHC): 12 hrs. light (L) /12 hrs. dark (D) with a high day temperature (31C) and a low night temperature (20C); and thermocycles (LLHC): continuous light (LL) with 12 hrs. high/12 hrs. low temperature (31C, day; 20C, night). Light intensity and relative humidity were 1000 micromol m-2s-2 and 60%, respectively.<br></br>Three-month-old rice plants were entrained for at least one week under the respective condition prior to initiation of each experiment. Leaves and stems from individual rice plants were collected every four hours for 48 hrs in driven (diurnal) conditions followed by a two day freerun spacer under continuous light/temperature followed by two additional days of sampling under the same continuous free run condition.<br></br>
Global profiling of rice and poplar transcriptomes highlights key conserved circadian-controlled pathways and cis-regulatory modules.
Age, Specimen part, Time
View SamplesRice (Oryza sativa, spp. Indica, cv. 93-11) plants were grown in a Conviron PGR 15 growth chamber using precise control of temperature, light, and humidity.<br></br>Diurnal (driven) conditions included 12L:12D light cycles and 31C/20C thermocycles in three different combinations. These were: photocycles (LDHH), 12 hrs. light (L)/12 hrs. dark (D) at a constant temperature (31C; HH); photo/thermocycles (LDHC): 12 hrs. light (L) /12 hrs. dark (D) with a high day temperature (31C) and a low night temperature (20C); and thermocycles (LLHC): continuous light (LL) with 12 hrs. high/12 hrs. low temperature (31C, day; 20C, night). Light intensity and relative humidity were 1000 micromol m-2s-2 and 60%, respectively.<br></br>Three-month-old rice plants were entrained for at least one week under the respective condition prior to initiation of each experiment. Leaves and stems from individual rice plants were collected every four hours for 48 hrs in driven (diurnal) conditions followed by a two day freerun spacer under continuous light/temperature followed by two additional days of sampling under the same continuous free run condition.
Global profiling of rice and poplar transcriptomes highlights key conserved circadian-controlled pathways and cis-regulatory modules.
Age, Specimen part, Time
View SamplesIn most organisms biological processes are partitioned, or phased to specific times over the day through interactions between external cycles of temperature (thermocycles) and light (photocycles), and the endogenous circadian clock. This orchestration of biological activities is achieved in part through an underlying transcriptional network. To understand how thermocycles, photocycles and the circadian clock interact to control time of day specific transcript abundance in Arabidopsis thaliana, we conducted four diurnal and three circadian two-day time courses using Affymetrix GeneChips (ATH1). All time courses were carried out with seven-day-old seedlings grown on agar plates under thermocycles (HC, hot/cold) and/or photocycles (LD, light/dark), or continuous conditions (LL, continuous light; DD, continuous dark, HH, continuous hot). Whole seedlings (50-100), including roots, stems and leaves were collected every four hours and frozen in liquid nitrogen. The four time courses interrogating the interaction between thermocycles, photocycles and the circadian clock were carried out as two four-day time courses. Four-day time courses were divided into two days under diurnal conditions, and two days under circadian conditions of continuous light and temperature. Thermocycles of 12 hours at 22C (hot) and 12 hours at 12C (cold) were used in this study. The two time courses interrogating photoperiod were conducted under short days (8 hrs light and 16 hrs dark) or long days (16 hrs light and 8 hrs dark) under constant temperature. In addition, the photoperiod time courses were in the Landsberg erecta (ler) accession, in contrast to the other time courses that are in the Columbia (col) background. The final time course interrogated circadian rhythmicity in seedlings grown completely in the dark (etiolated). Dark grown seedlings were synchronized with thermocycles, and plants were sampled under the circadian conditions of continuous dark and temperature.
Network discovery pipeline elucidates conserved time-of-day-specific cis-regulatory modules.
Age, Time
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Mouse transcriptome reveals potential signatures of protection and pathogenesis in human tuberculosis.
Sex, Specimen part
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Profiling peripheral nerve macrophages reveals two macrophage subsets with distinct localization, transcriptome and response to injury.
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View SamplesCharacterisation of blood and lung global transcriptional responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in distinct mouse models of Tuberculosis
Mouse transcriptome reveals potential signatures of protection and pathogenesis in human tuberculosis.
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View SamplesWe performed ontogenic, transcriptomic and spatial characterization of sciatic nerve Macs (snMacs). Using multiple fate-mapping systems, we show that snMacs do not derive from the early embryonic precursors colonizing the CNS, but originate primarily from late embryonic precursors and get replaced by bone marrow-derived Macs over time. Using single-cell profiling, we identified a tissue-specific core signature of snMacs and found two spatially-separated snMacs: Relmα + Mgl1 + snMacs in the epineurium and Relmα Mgl1 snMacs in the endoneurium. Globally, snMacs lack most core signature genes of microglia, with only the endoneurial subset expressing a restricted number of these genes. Single-cell transcriptomics revealed that in response to injury both snMacs respond differently and that the PNS, in contrast to the CNS, is permissive to prolonged engraftment of monocyte-derived Macs recruited upon injury.
Profiling peripheral nerve macrophages reveals two macrophage subsets with distinct localization, transcriptome and response to injury.
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View SamplesCharacterisation of blood and lung global transcriptional responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in distinct mouse models of Tuberculosis
Mouse transcriptome reveals potential signatures of protection and pathogenesis in human tuberculosis.
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