During early vertebrate development, a large number of noncoding RNAs are maternally inherited or expressed upon activation of zygotic transcription. The exact identity, expression levels, and function during early vertebrate development for most of these noncoding RNAs remains largely unknown. miRNAs (microRNAs) and piRNAs (piwi-interacting RNAs) are two classes of small non-coding RNAs that play important roles in gene regulation during early embryonic development. Here, we utilized Illumina next generation sequencing technology to determine temporal expression patterns for both miRNAs and piRNAs during four distinct stages of early vertebrate development using zebrafish as a model system. For miRNAs, the expression patterns for 192 known miRNAs and 12 novel miRNAs within 123 different miRNA families were determined. Significant sequence variation was observed at the 5'' and 3'' ends of miRNAs with a large number of extra nucleotides added in a non-template directed manner. We also identified a large and diverse set of piRNAs expressed during early development, far beyond that expected if piRNA expression is restricted to germ cells. Our analyses represent the deepest investigation to date of small RNA expression during early vertebrate development and suggest important novel functions for small RNAs during embryogenesis. Overall design: Identify the expression of small RNAs in zebrafish embryos of four different developmental stages using high through-put sequencing
Transcriptome-wide analysis of small RNA expression in early zebrafish development.
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View SamplesWe prepared small RNA libraries from 29 tumor/normal pairs of human cervical tissue samples. Analysis of the resulting sequences (42 million in total) defined 64 new human microRNA (miRNA) genes. Both arms of the hairpin precursor were observed in twenty-three of the newly identified miRNA candidates. We tested several computational approaches for analysis of class differences between high throughput sequencing datasets, and describe a novel application of log linear model that has provided the most datasets, and describe a novel application of log linear model that has provided the most effective analysis for this data. This method resulted in the identification of 67 miRNAs that were differentially-expressed between the tumor and normal samples at a false discovery rate less than 0.001. Overall design: A total of 29 tumor/normal pairs of human cervical tissue samples were analyzed. Two samples (G699N_2 and G761T_2) were performed in duplicates. No Fastq files for GSM532871 to GSM532889, GSM532929, and GSM532930. Sequence files are provided as text files for these 22 Sample records in GSE20592_RAW.tar. 38 samples with quality scores are available from SRA as SRP002/SRP002326 (see Supplementary file below).
Ultra-high throughput sequencing-based small RNA discovery and discrete statistical biomarker analysis in a collection of cervical tumours and matched controls.
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View SamplesThe selective impact of pathogen epidemics on host defenses can be strong but remains transient. By contrast, life-history shifts can durably and continuously modify the balance between costs and benefits, which arbitrates the evolution of host defenses. Their impact, however, has seldom been documented. Here, we show with a simple mathematical model that the selective advantage of the defense system is expected to decrease with decreasing life span. We further document that, in natural populations of the model plant system Arabidopsis thaliana, the expression level of defense genes correlate positively with flowering time, a proxy for the length of vegetative life span. Using a genetic strategy to partition life span-dependent and –independent defense genes, we demonstrate that this positive co-variation is not explained by the pleiotropic action of major regulatory genes controlling both defense and life span. In agreement with our model, this study reveals that natural selection has likely assembled alleles promoting lower expression of defense genes with alleles decreasing the duration of vegetative life span in natural populations of A. thaliana. This is the first study demonstrating that life history evolution has a pervasive impact on the evolution of host immunity. Overall design: Seeds of Bur-0, Col-0 and 278 Bur-0xCol-0 Recombinant Inbred Lines (RIL) obtained after 8 generations of selfing were provided by the Arabidopsis Stock Center at INRA Versailles (France). We selected the 40 RIL in the 15% and 85% quantiles of flowering time for RNA sequencing. Each RIL and the two parental lines were planted in 20 replicates in the conditions described above. At days 14 and 28, the oldest leaf was flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen. Three pools, each combining 13 RIL, were produced at each time point for early and late lines, for a total of 3 biological replicates, 2 pool types (early and late RIL) and 2 time points (14 and 28 days). For each of the two parental lines, leaves of 12 replicates were pooled for each time point.
Assortment of Flowering Time and Immunity Alleles in Natural Arabidopsis thaliana Populations Suggests Immunity and Vegetative Lifespan Strategies Coevolve.
Specimen part, Subject, Time
View SamplesDifferential gene expression between naive and activated CD8+ T cells was assessed using microarray analysis to determine target genes for new positron emission tomography (PET) probe screening, in particular for molecular imaging of lymphoid organs and immune activation.
Molecular imaging of lymphoid organs and immune activation by positron emission tomography with a new [18F]-labeled 2'-deoxycytidine analog.
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View SamplesStudy of the gene expression of T24 bladder cancer cells in response to hypericin-mediated photodynamic therapy in the absence or presence of the p38 MAPK inhibitor PD169316
Molecular effectors and modulators of hypericin-mediated cell death in bladder cancer cells.
Specimen part, Cell line, Compound
View SamplesThe transcriptional response of Arabidopsis thaliana cell suspensions following treatment with the stress hormone methyl jasmonate (MeJA) was monitored over time 16 hours after subcultivation. Three time points were included: 30 minutes, 2 hours and 6 hours after elicitation with 50µm MeJA or DMSO as a control.
Mapping methyl jasmonate-mediated transcriptional reprogramming of metabolism and cell cycle progression in cultured Arabidopsis cells.
Compound, Time
View SamplesGene expression profiles of bipolar disorder (BD) patients were assessed during both a manic and a euthymic phase and compared both intra-individually, and with the gene expression profiles of controls.
Investigation of manic and euthymic episodes identifies state- and trait-specific gene expression and STAB1 as a new candidate gene for bipolar disorder.
Specimen part, Disease, Subject
View SamplesProsaposin encodes, in tandem, four small acidic activator proteins (saposins) with specificities for glycosphingolipids hydrolases in lysosomes. To explore the molecular mechanism(s) of disease progression, temporal transcriptome microarray analyses of cerebrum and cerebellum tissues were conducted using mRNA from three prosaposin deficiency mouse models: PS-NA (hypomorphic prosaposin deficiency), PS-/- (prosaposin null) and 4L/PS-NA (a V394L/V394L glucocerebrosidase mutation and PS-NA) mice. Our results indicate that regionally specific gene expression abnormalities preceded the histological and behavioral changes and CEBPD is a candidate regulator of brain disease in prosaposin deficiency. The alterations of gene expression are detected at birth and are more profound in cerebellum than cerebrum.
Temporal gene expression profiling reveals CEBPD as a candidate regulator of brain disease in prosaposin deficient mice.
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A systems biology approach identifies a regulatory network in parotid acinar cell terminal differentiation.
Specimen part
View SamplesThe routine workflow for invasive cancer diagnostics is based on biopsy processing by formalin fixation and subsequent paraffin embedding. Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue samples are easy to handle, stable and particularly suitable for morphologic evaluation, immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. However, it has become a paradigm that these samples cannot be used for genome-wide expression analysis with microarrays. To oppose this view, we present a pilot microarray study using FFPE core needle biopsies from breast cancers as RNA source. We found that microarray probes interrogating sequences near the poly-A-tail of the transcribed genes were well suitable to measure RNA levels in FFPE core needle biopsies. For the ER and the HER2 gene, we observed strong correlations between RNA levels measured in these probe sets and protein expression determined by immunohistochemistry (p = 0.000003 and p = 0.0022). Further, we have identified a signature of 364 genes that correlated with ER protein status and a signature of 528 genes that correlated with HER2 protein status. Many of these genes (ER: 60%) could be confirmed by analysis of an independent publicly available data set. Finally, a hierarchical clustering of the biopsies with respect to three recently reported gene expression grade signatures resulted in widely stable low and high expression grade clusters that correlated with the pathological tumor grade. These findings support the notion that clinically relevant information can be gained from microarray based gene expression profiling of FFPE cancer biopsies. This opens new opportunities for the integration of gene expression analysis into the workflow of invasive cancer diagnostics as well as translational research in the setting of clinical studies.
Genome-wide gene expression profiling of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded breast cancer core biopsies using microarrays.
Disease stage
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