Two essential processes, oocyte maturation and ovulation, before oocytes become fertilizable that are independently induced but co-operatively proceeded at the final step in oogenesis. Eventhough these two processes are induced by same maturation-inducing steroid, 17, 20 beta-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17, 20 beta-DHP), in teleost, the receptor for each pathway is suggested to be different and thus signal transduction pathways are different. While much progresses achieved on the molecular mechanisms for induction of oocyte maturation, the mechanisms to induce ovulation is under elucidation. Previously we established the procedure that can make it possible to prepare the ovarian tissue which contains oocyte maturation-induced oocytes in vivo. In the same way, ovulation can be induced in alive zebrafish. Thus it became possible to select the genes up-regulated according to ovulation by compare the gene expression between maturation-inducing genes in matured oocytes and both maturation and ovulation-inducing genes in ovulated eggs. In vivo bioassay has been applied to prepare maturated and ovulated ovarian samples. Specifically up-regulated genes to induce ovulation will be selected by RNA-seq analysis. The mRNA abundance of highly up-regulated genes will be confirmed by q-PCR analysis. By this project, ovulation-inducing genes will be selected and its roles in induction of ovulation will be addressed in the future.
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View SamplesTo identify ovulation-inducing genes, RNAseq analysis was carried out using samples prepared by in vivo assay system in zebrafish.
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Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesExpression profile of liver of ICR mice (13-week old) treated with control diet (CRF-1) or CRF-1 containing 500 ppm diosgenin for 4 weeks.
No associated publication
Specimen part, Treatment
View SamplesAnalysis to find splicing variants that are differentially expressed in a highly metastatic stomach cancer cell line, MKN45P, versus its parental cell line, MKN45
Identification of a novel protein isoform derived from cancer-related splicing variants using combined analysis of transcriptome and proteome.
Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesThe purpose of this study was to characterize the transcriptional effects induced by subcutaneous IFN-beta-1b treatment (Betaferon, 250 g every other day) in patients with relapsing-remitting form of multiple sclerosis (MS).
Long-term genome-wide blood RNA expression profiles yield novel molecular response candidates for IFN-beta-1b treatment in relapsing remitting MS.
View SamplesThis SuperSeries is composed of the SubSeries listed below.
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Specimen part
View SamplesGene expression profile comparison from fibroblasts of Huntington individuals and normal ones
Gene expression profile in fibroblasts of Huntington's disease patients and controls.
Sex, Age, Specimen part, Disease
View SamplesComparison of the differential expression mRNA profiles from the brain cortex of hypoxia and normaixa rats by silica microarray chip
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Specimen part
View SamplesBone mineral density and structure candidate gene analysis in alcohol-non-preferring (NP), alcohol-preferring (P), congenic NP (NP.P) and congenic P (P.NP) rats
Identification of genes influencing skeletal phenotypes in congenic P/NP rats.
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View SamplesFemoral neck bone mineral density and structure candidate gene analysis in Fischer 344 (F344) and Lewis (LEW) rats
Genomic expression analysis of rat chromosome 4 for skeletal traits at femoral neck.
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